Business Card Automation: A New Printing Solution

Business Card Automation: A New Printing Solution


  • What’s so good about business card automation?
  • Centralized communication
  • Defined workflows
  • The future of business card automation
  • Tap into the power of business card automation

Running a small business involves juggling all sorts of tasks and wearing many different hats.

As your business grows, this doesn’t get easier. You’re now dealing with more customers, more issues, and more revenue, which can quickly take its toll.

Before you know it, you’re a marketer, project manager, salesperson, and bookkeeper all wrapped up in one, and you’ve got very little time to focus on anything in great detail.

Luckily there’s something ready to rescue you, and it goes by the name of automation.

Today, there are more technologies than ever that can help take the pressure off some of the key tasks involved in running a business and let you focus your energy on the areas that matter.

Because when you’re too busy juggling all sorts of roles, something’s going to slip through the cracks. For many, it tends to be print marketing materials like business cards

What’s So Good About Business Card Automation?

Time is of the essence in business today.

Smart work is crucial to success and, rather than spending hours and hours manually carrying out tasks, automating those same processes can save tons of time, resources, and money. Efficiency and productivity are the names of the game, especially if you want to stand out and rise above your competitors.

Automating the business card process means you don’t have to individually create every single business card for your employees. It also means you can automatically print new cards when they’re needed and put together a process that can be accessed and carried out by all team members.

Centralized Communication

One of the best things about business card automation is that it offers a centralized dashboard where all stakeholders can go to access the designs and self-order as needed. This means you can say goodbye to hundreds of different email threads and the confusion of having lots of different files on many different devices.

Defined Workflows

Doing things manually means that it’s easy to miss a step out of the process, causing inconsistencies in design or how a business card is printed.

When you automate the task, you can put a set workflow in place that every member of staff has to follow when they want a new business card or need to update their information.

Create multiple business cards from the same template with Brandly.

The central dashboard on Brandly lets you create a specific workflow for creating business cards that works for your business. You can limit access to certain stakeholders, or allow access to everyone so they can find files, designs, and information to manage and print their own business cards.

From there, it’s easy to save designs and customize each card before it’s printed, taking out the effort involved in getting a designer to tweak the cards every time you need a change made, as well as cutting down the time it takes to make every card from scratch.

The Future of Business Card Automation

Automation has been making lives easier since it first burst onto the tech scene. More than 80% of top-performing companies have used some kind of automation in their business for more than two years, with many more planning to implement it in the not-too-distant future.

These new technological developments are shifting the way people do business, with futuristic trends like AI taking over accounting, administration, and marketing tasks amongst others.

When you boil things down to basics, there are three kinds of tasks that benefit from automation:

  1. Saving time: the more customers you get, the more emails you’ll need to send, and the more issues you’ll have to deal with. Likewise, when you start to employ more staff, you’ll need to increase the amount of training you offer and get more materials like business cards printed
  2. Saving money: with so many different software and tools available, it’s not necessary to manually do a lot of tasks anymore, from logging customer information into an Excel spreadsheet to creating individual business cards from scratch.
  3. Peace of mind: there’s likely to be areas of business you’re better at than others. If you’re spending too much time and effort on one particular task, there’s bound to be a way you can automate it to make it easier and less time-consuming

While for now business card automation can help save precious time when it comes to creating, managing, and printing potentially hundreds of different business cards for different members of staff, in the future things might get even more helpful.

Ready to Tap into the Power of Business Card Automation?

Like automation in any part of business, business card automation can save you a ton of time, effort, and resources.

If you’re creating, managing, and printing cards from scratch, you have to get hold of the employees’ information, contact and liaise with a designer, upload the designs, get them manually approved, and then send them to the printer.

When you automate this process, you eliminate the majority of these steps. Instead, employees can access the designs, quickly add their own information, and order for themselves as needed without the need of design skills.

Open a free account now and start automating your business card ordering with Brandly.

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